Sunday, May 20, 2012

Cucumber Lemonade... DELICIOUS

This is to die for, trust me.  It sounds odd, kinda disgusting, but it will leave you wanting more!  I first had it at my best friends baby shower.  Ever since, I have loved making it for parties.  Sense there is no alcohol in it, my brother-in-law likes to make fun of my religion and calls it "Mormon punch."  Anyway.... Are you ready for this magical drink?  .........I hope you said yes ;)

You need (for a party):
  • 2-3 frozen lemonades
  • 1-2 Cucumbers
  • 3-4 two-liters of lemon-lime soda (I personally love sierra mist)
  • 1 pitcher (if possible, the clear glass containers like in the picture)
How to:
  • Cut the cucumbers in slices (doesnt matter if you peel the skin)
  • Take the 2 frozen lemonades and your sliced cucumbers and put it in a pitcher that will fit in your fridge for 1-3hrs.  (The longer its in the fridge, the more it will taste like cucumbers.  I usually keep it in the fridge for 2hrs.)
  • Right before the guest arrive, take the cucumber/lemonade mixture and put it in the glass pitcher.  Add the lemon-lime soda and test it until it taste good to you.  Normally I start with 2 two-liters and as you start to run out, you add more soda. 
  • Stir well and enjoy your amazing drink =)
Want to make it even better?  Make ice cubes out of lemonade instead of water.  If you want to add that special "ahhh" to it, cut up a lemon and/or lime in slices and in a cupcake pan, put one slice in each one of the "holes" (i dont know what you call it haha) and then add lemonade to it to each "hole" and freeze it so its like ice cubes.  Also, you can add a cucumber slice to the rim of the glass of the drink.  Your guest will surely be in love over it. 

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