Friday, May 18, 2012

Crayola Canvas

I saw this on Pinterest and LOVED it!  I don't have kids but I still wanted to make one.  I bought two boxes of 64 Crayola crayons.  I wanted to just do blue and purple crayons but I would of had to buy 4 boxes total to get enough to fit across the canvas.  Here's how I made mine.

What you need:
1. Canvas (mine is 16x20)
2. Crayons (I have about 56-58)
3. Hot glue gun with a few extra glue sticks
4. Blow dryer
5. Cardboard or lots of newspaper (it will splatter)
6. Vinyl word(s) (optional)

How to:
Carefully begin by taking one crayon and putting a strip of hot glue on the back of a crayon so that the logo (ie: crayola) is showing.  Note: If you are right handed, begin left to right.  If left handed, begin right to left.  
  •  Continue to do this all the way to the end.  If you want yours to look better than mine, keep it straight and lined up nicely at the top.  
  • I waited a day before blow drying it because it was too late at night to make a lot of noise.  But if you do this during normal hours, I would wait 15-20 min. to let the hot glue set on the canvas.  
  • I used cardboard under the canvas and a piece on the side I was blow drying because it does splatter!  
  • Begin to blow dry it.  It doesn't matter where you start.  Keep the blow dryer close to the crayons.  Works best if you blow dry the crayon from the middle.  
  • Once you like how it looks, stop blow drying.  It does dry fast.  
  • I thought it needed a little something extra so I went to my local craft store, Craft Warehouse, and found a vinyl that said "Shine Bright" which seemed appropriate for it lol.
  • I found that putting vinyl on a canvas is harder than I expected.  Patience is a virtue I hear ;)  

You are your own creator.   Hope you love it!


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